The study and treatment of insignificant psychological disorders.

Apartment Complex

A Resociative Microdisorder


Taking its name from a 1960 Hollywood movie staring Jack Lemmon, Shirley MacLaine and Fred MacMurray, the Apartment Complex is a disorder that includes headaches, sleeplessness, loss of appetite, heavy use of deodorant, stockpiling of canned vegetables and, in extreme cases, an overwhelming desire to visit museums ending in the letter "p." The Apartment Complex is highly correlated with, and many professionals believe caused by, employment in the U.S. financial sector, where compromising of moral values is common.

Note: The "Apartment Complex" is not associated with the "apartment complex" [lower case], so well known to young adults and almost all Hollywood actors/restaurant workers.

Hollywood movie staring Jack Lemmon, Shirley MacLaine and Fred MacMurray


Though the results have been spotty, there appears to be hope for Apartment Complex sufferers willing to relocate to rural areas. Preliminary studies suggest that the greater the distance between a sufferer and New York City, the more likely a recovery. Consequently, Antananarivo, Madagascar has become a popular destination for the treatment of Apartment Complex microdisorders.

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