The study and treatment of insignificant psychological disorders.

Excessive Repulsive Disorder

A Sociative Microdisorder


Humans have evolved both physiologically and culturally to find many things in our environment repulsive. Simple repulsion might include such things as yogurt-covered oysters (gustation), hagfish slime (tactility), the sound of fingernails on a blackboard (audition) or Kim Kardashian (propriety). Repulsion to these and hundreds of other kinds of objects and events are normal and — after some shivering and in some cases vomiting — are usually managed without therapy.

Excessive Repulsive Disorder, on the other hand, is precipitated by objects or events that exceed the coping mechanisms of most of the population and can lead to lasting psychological damage. For instance, events such as listing to William Shatner sing Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (Auditory Excessive Repulsive Disorder), riding in an elevator with Dennis Avner [now deceased] (Visual Excessive Repulsive Disorder) or peeling a Durian (Olfactory Excessive Repulsive Disorder) have lead, in some cases, to extended stays in psychiatric facilities.

Olfactory Excessive Repulsive Disorder


Some experimental treatments have shown promise in being effective in limiting the damage caused by Excessive Repulsive Disorder. These treatments usually include the introduction of extremely bland items or events drawn from the same cluster as the precipitative source. As examples, Melba toast has shown to be effective in treating Gustatory Excessive Repulsive Disorder and the anodyne music of Kenny G has, in many cases, alleviated the symptoms of Auditory Excessive Repulsive Disorder.

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