The study and treatment of insignificant psychological disorders.

Case Study of Bââd Haradäë Disorder

A Resociative Microdisorder

Phillip, Hollywood, California, USA

In the fall of 2008, Phillip needed help. He had been convicted of murder. His team of attorneys decided that a change of appearance was needed during the sentencing phase of the trial. At about the same time, research on Bââd Haradäë Disorder conducted at Chase University was beginning to strongly suggest that physically attractive defendants were treated more sympathetically than unattractive defendants. Relying on this research, during sentencing Phillip's attorneys dressed him in a loose fitting shirt made of Perceptowear.

It worked... sort of. Post-sentencing interviews of the jurors found that they did indeed find Phillip a more sympathetic figure than they did during the trial. However, they also found him to appear much younger than his 71 years and therefore gave him a more significant sentence than they would have to an older appearing man.

Phillip died in prison on January 16, 2021, while serving out his 19-years-to-life sentence at the California State Prison in Yuba City where he spent his days working in the prison’s salon.

Phillip was serving out his 19-years-to-life sentence at the California State Prison in Yuba City.

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