The study and treatment of insignificant psychological disorders.

Case Study of Zach’s Malady

A Resociative Microdisorder

Glenn, Indialantic, Florida, USA

Most people who are knowledgeable in the area, generally report the distance between the earth and the moon to be "about 384,000 km." Glenn, a true expert in interplanetary distances, however, would likely say, "The distance from the center of the earth to the center of the moon varies due to the elliptical orbit of the moon around the earth. At its perigee the distance is 341,164.3772 km; at its apogee, 412,907.8544 km."

Precise? Yes. Accurate? Not so much. In fact at the perigee, the earth and moon are 363,104 km apart; at the apogee, 405,696 km.

For the most part, Glenn's "precise inaccuracies" are merely mildly off-putting to his friends and colleagues. However, Glenn's anxiety can build to intolerable levels when he receives inexact information, regardless of its accuracy.

Currently, Glenn is on sabbatical and undergoing treatment for Zact’s Malady at the West Texas Center for the Treatment of Microdisorders.

Glenn is an expert in interplanetary distances.

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