The study and treatment of insignificant psychological disorders.


A Resociative Microdisorder



It would seem that the most effective way to manage Pharmachondria would be to have the patient disengage from, or severely limit his exposure to television programing. However, advertisements in newspapers, in magazines, on the internet, in convenience stores, on the sides of buses — just about everywhere in the modern world — may continue to reinforce the Pharmachondriac’s conviction of his own physical and/or mental disorder. Therefore, complete isolation is recommended.

According to the Nelson Television Rating Service, the typical television viewer in the United States is exposed to an average of 2.34 hours of commercials every day. Of those advertisements, 14 percent are for over-the-counter drugs, while 23 percent are for prescription medicines. With advertisements from Aleve® to Xyzal®, it is little wonder that an otherwise healthy person may occasionally ask herself if she suffers from a psychological malady. This is normal.

On the other hand, when a television viewer persists in believing — without the corroborative diagnoses of a physician — that he is afflicted with more than one of the ailments being described in these commercials, it is a strong indication of Pharmachondria.

ver-the-counter drugs, prescription medicines

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