A Desociative Microdisorder
Psychoceramic Disunion, otherwise known as “Crackpot Ideation,” is found most often in two distinct, male-dominated groups — scientists and politicians — and it is almost always found in scientists who become politicians. Examples of Psychoceramic Disunion can be found throughout the history of pseudoscience from Astrology to Geocentrism to Eugenics to Phrenology to Homeopathy to Intelligent Design.
With the omnipresence of the internet, information about every conceivable subject is available to almost anyone, anywhere, anytime. Unfortunately, much of that information is wrong, and those suffering Psychoceramic Disunion are particularly susceptible to all manner of screwball ideas that are floating around on the web.
At first, sufferers are merely curious about a particular notion. Soon that curiosity turns to a casual, then a deeply engrossing interest in the subject, ultimately transitioning into advocacy. Psychoceramic Disunion sufferers can, for instance, be found among groups searching for alien life or those warning of the dangers of Fluoride, vaccines, and genetically modified foods.
Psychoceramic Disunion is similar to, but distinct from Osteopsychosis.
There was a time when those suffering from Psychoceramic Disunion could be aided by simply spending time in a community library, specifically in the 500 section of the Dewey Decimal Classification system. That is no longer the case. Today, effective therapy requires complete and total isolation from commercial and social media as well as the Alex Jones.
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