The study and treatment of insignificant psychological disorders.

Neuro-Emotional Resonance

A Desociative Microdisorder


Neuro-Emotional Resonance” has emerged as a subject of curiosity and intrigue. This microdisorder offers a novel perspective on human emotions and cognition. Neuro-Emotional Resonance is a psychological state in which individuals experience an overwhelming sense of euphoria combined with heightened cognitive abilities. During episodes of Neuro-Emotional Resonance, individuals report experiencing a profound connection between their emotions and intellectual faculties.

According to the scientific literature surrounding Neuro-Emotional Resonance, those afflicted with the condition are said to possess an innate ability to tap into their emotions and convert them into a state of heightened cognitive functioning. The condition leads to moments of exceptional creativity, problem-solving, and even a deep understanding of complex philosophical concepts.

Neuro-Emotional Resonance


Management of Neuro-Emotional Resonance typically begins with phrenological examinations of those afflicted. Based on the results of those examinations intro-cranial stimulation can be directed to areas of the cerebellum which manifest cognitive sympathetic nodes. This treatment is successful in 87% of females and 43% of males.


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